Heart Rate Variability (or “HRV”) is the metric which elite athletes are following daily to assess their recovery and plan their daily training. The science around HRV dates back many decades, but only recently has this become something we can all easily measure. Whether you are aiming to compete at the highest level or simply […]
4. Caffeine as a Performance Aid
Caffeine is the most frequently consumed psycho-active substance in the world. It has been studied for decades, and it’s benefit for sports performance is well-documented. Even so, few understand the pros and cons of using caffeine for performance. We’ll dig into the science and help you understand how your cup of coffee may positively impact […]
Season 5 Trailer – The Podium
Check out the trailer for season 5 of The Podium!
Endurance Training for Strength Athletes
We discuss the importance of endurance training for strength athletes with Chris Hinshaw and Adam Kerley.
Strength Training for Endurance Athletes
The importance of strength training for endurance athletes.
Listener Q&A
Dr. Sprouse and Patrick sit down for our first ever listener Q&A episode!
Debunking Bonking – It’s More than Fueling (with Robbie Ventura)
We dig into the phenomenon of “bonking”, what it is, and how to avoid it.
Update on the COVID questions our patients are asking.
Watts, Metabolism, Data Analytics: Science’s Impact on Cycling Over 25 Years
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine hosted this panel discussion looking at science’s impact on cycling and training over the past 25 years.